Today, fewer laboratories are offering chart integration as a service, however, Gas Volume Measurement is still a priority of our clients. At EMPACT, we still service clients who are interested in chart integration. EMPACT also offers calibrations and gas analysis.
Our gas volume measurement and chart integration department also provide services for mechanical and electronic flow meters (EFM). The expertise that we offer has proven beneficial in providing accurate data that our clients can rely on when making critical decisions about gas production. We also provide auditing services that our clients can be confident in.
*Also be sure to look into our field measurement department for procurement of your gas samples.
Formation Water Analysis & Wastewater Analysis
*EMPACT does not currently carry a Drinking Water Certification and hopes to in the future.
From the wellhead to the point of sale and all points in between, ensure total measurement accuracy of hydrocarbon production volumes and more with our testing.
Natural Gas & Other Gas Analyses*
Liquid Hydrocarbon Analyses* by Gas Chromatography
Physical Oil Testing