Lab Testing
Analysis for the Present and Future
During its’ thirty years of business, EMPACT has created and utilized many industry standards for hydrocarbon testing and beyond. While most labs prioritize turnaround time ahead of accurate results, EMPACT’s lab testing services work to create a personalized plan for you and your analysis needs that will be right the first time within the timeline you desire.
Our Expertise in Lab Testing
01. Procurement Made EASI
From our hazardous shipping processes to our field acquisition, you can be at peace knowing we handle your work with utmost care and will guide you through each step.
02. Analysis
Our accurate testing assists clients in satisfying requirements with regulatory compliance bodies, accruing valuable intelligence to defend your contractual agreements, and to achieve top marketability of assets at the point of sale.
03. Reporting
Furthermore, EMPACT reporting will aid in helping you to obtain priceless insights about your assets, which will allow you to discern between which decisions will grow your company and meet your specific goals.
- Decades of experience
- Reputation
- Top of the industry standards
What You Get With Us:
When you use our products or services, you are going to receive the best support in customer service aspects as well as a commitment to safety.
We have gone over 6 years without a single safety incident. As well as our commitment to safety, we also provide:
- Excellent customer service
- Guaranteed quality
- Great facilities and local expertise